Sunday, December 1, 2013


By Ruth Plumly Thompson
Author of Grampa in Oz, Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz, The Wish Express, "King, King! Double King!" etc.

Originally published in the PhilAdelphia Public Ledger, December 21, 1919.

Oh, once, this happened years ago
   In brave old London Town,
A little worn-out lad, who swept
   The gentry's chimneys down,

Fell fast asleep, on Christmas Eve,
   Beside a chimney tall;
And dreamed he was invited
   To the children's Christmas ball!

Poor little sweep - so sound asleep!
   The snow came drifting down,
The midnight stage went rattling by
   And through the silent town

The carol singers went their rounds
   And, hark! Their joyous singing
Awoke the bells, and set the silver
   Christmas chimes all ringing!

But still the weary sweep slept on,
   But, sh - h - , just as the stars
Winked out and morning poked her head
   Through night's dark window bars,

That dear old saint, who loves all children,
   In his magic sleigh,
Came clattering o'er the roof tops and,
   My dears and ducks - well, say!

He trimmed the broom of that poor laddie
   With the finest toys,
And then, without a bit of fuss
   Or making any noise,

He lifted him into his sleigh
   And whisked off toward the Pole,
And from that day to this, sweethearts,
   Though don't you tell a soul,

He's been adopted by St. Nick,
   And goes with him each year,
To help him fill the stockings and
   To sweep the chimneys clear!

And, though that happened years ago,
   He never will grow old -
No one does who believes in Kriss,
   Or so I have been told!

THE FORGETFUL POET The Forgetful Poet 
By Ruth Plumly Thompson 
Originally published in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, February 22, 1920.


The Puzzle Corner

The cities hidden in the Forgetful Poet's verses last week were: Nancy, Nome and Berne. A ribbon might run if it were a fast color.

Now rub up your location bump and see whether or not you can find these cities:

A part of the body
Will give a French town,
A port that the soldier boys
Know up and down.

Another city of fair France
You'll have, sirs, in a trice,
If you can find the word that means
Quite pleasant. 'Course it's -----

And a name for water rushing
Gives the old Dutch town of -----,
And a maiden's name that's pretty
Gives a large Australian city.

[Answers next time.]

Copyright © 2013 Eric Shanower and David Maxine. All rights reserved.