Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The Forgetful Poet 
By Ruth Plumly Thompson 
Originally published in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, February 29, 1920.
The Puzzle Corner

The cities in last week’s verses were Brest, Nice, Flushing and Adelaide.

Spring is coming. The Forgetful Poet feels it already, and as he has been reading everywhere a line telling folks to “Say it with flowers” he says he thinks he will. Can you read what he has said with flowers?

A Flower Tale

----- ----- ----- and donned his clothes;
A ----- gay was he.
“I’m very poor and so, alas,
Must -----,” said he.
----- ----- called on -----.
She blushed a rosy -----
And when he ----- to be his,
Sat down to sigh and think.
But when he asked her -----, dears,
He said it would disgrace him
And lest he left at -----
The ----- surely chase him.

You’ll have to think over the flower names till you find one that will fit the young gentleman and lady in this rhyme. I’ll tell you that the next to last blank should be filled in by a timely flower.

[Answers next time.]

Copyright © 2015 Eric Shanower and David Maxine. All rights reserved.